MASTER “Social, work and organizational psychology”

The “Social, Work and Organizational Psychology” Master’s degree (M1 and M2) comprises two specializations:

• “Professional support, risk prevention, and management ” (based in Nancy, affiliated with the 2LPN lab).

• “Organizational Change, Integration, and Consulting” (based in Metz, with the PErSEUs lab (opens in a new tab)).

The main aim of this Master’s degree is to prepare students for new skill profiles in the field of psychology, arising from technological modifications, organizational changes, social upheavals, and economic mutations. This specialization focuses on work and social issues.

To find out more about the “Professional support, risk prevention, and management ” specialization, please contact Anne PIGNAULT (2LPN lab):

To find out more about the “Organizational Change, Integration, and Consulting” specialization, please contact David BOUGUIGNON (PErSEUs lab):