Team 1 – Development, education, learning

The work of this team falls within the field of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and educational psychology. It focuses on both typical and atypical development (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorders, High Intellectual Potential). The research explores cognitive abilities (e.g., executive functions, intelligence, attention, memory) and socio-emotional skills (e.g., theory of mind, social skills, motivation, perception of social hierarchies) throughout life. Additionally, the studies examine the influences of various contexts, especially family and school environments, on development and learning, as well as the effects of their interactions.

The objectives of this research team are to investigate the different factors influencing development and learning (both academic and non-academic) and their relationship with education. The employed methodologies contribute to knowledge and reflection on educational practices. This axis also emphasizes the application of this knowledge in the training of education professionals (e.g., teachers, educational engineers, National Education psychologists, etc.). In this context, some of the research focuses on the design and/or evaluation of the effectiveness of devices or training in cognitive, socio-emotional, and academic domains. To address these objectives, this axis relies on a combination of experimental, quasi-experimental, and clinical approaches. The methodologies used are diverse, including questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, experimental tasks, and others.

Youssef Tazouti is the coordinator of this research team.